
Showing posts from March, 2020

(8) My Lenten Journey

03/15/2020 (Source:  ) Hi, I hope you all are safe and taking all the necessary precautions during this time. For today, I’ll be doing a self reflection of my Lent so far. Lent is 40 days which Christians set a part to prepare ourselves for Easter through Prayer, Fasting, and Penitence. It also represents the 40 days and nights that Jesus spent in the desert. It is a custom for Catholics to pick certain things, or activities to give up during Lent, For me, this time around for Lent I decided to not pick too many activities or things to give up, in order to really key in or focus more on two specific Lenten offerings. Praying more throughout the day, while doing a prayer reflection each day as well as make less excuses.  (Source: ) So, you might be wondering, hey Paul how is that working out for you right now? Well, to be honest, if I told you it was easy, I...