(8) My Lenten Journey


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Hi, I hope you all are safe and taking all the necessary precautions during this time. For today, I’ll be doing a self reflection of my Lent so far.

Lent is 40 days which Christians set a part to prepare ourselves for Easter through Prayer, Fasting, and Penitence. It also represents the 40 days and nights that Jesus spent in the desert. It is a custom for Catholics to pick certain things, or activities to give up during Lent, For me, this time around for Lent I decided to not pick too many activities or things to give up, in order to really key in or focus more on two specific Lenten offerings. Praying more throughout the day, while doing a prayer reflection each day as well as make less excuses. 

Image result for ash wednesday

(Source: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/285697170085931627/)

So, you might be wondering, hey Paul how is that working out for you right now? Well, to be honest, if I told you it was easy, I would be lying. The truth is at the beginning, I really set out on a mission to find an Ash Wednesday mass time that fit well with my schedule and was able to attend. Next I went on to select which activities I would offer up to the Lord during Lent, and went with two I previously mentioned. After that, I started strong the first week, praying more going through daily reflections as best as I could, trying not to complain during conversations with friends and family really didn’t seem like to much to ask. Then, as the second week came along, I noticed that I was slowly moving away from my offerings. I would go from praying the reflections daily to once every 3 days as well as creeping complaints way more often as I should be. 

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(Source: /https://thriveglobal.com/stories/recognizing-burnout-in-the-finance-sector/)

Experiencing this burnout made me disappointed but, I know that there are still more days left before Lent ends and that means that there is time left to turn things around steering towards the right direction. It will not be easy, it will take accountability, cutting out distractions, consistent prayers for my Lenten journey and others also having constant reminders on my calendar to in order to get myself back on track. 

Please pray for me and my journey this Lent and I hope to write more soon. 
Thank you and GodBless!


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