
Showing posts from April, 2020

Rihanna, Kendrick, and Travis Scott Music Take #2

Music Take #2 Rihanna Kendrick Travis Scott Music, Concert stories, Discussing favourite songs, Why do I rock with these artists? Rihanna: ( ) I grew up listening to a lot of Rihanna. Umbrella, Work and Stay  are just three of many Classic RiRi  songs that I love to jam to. As of late, I could really use some  more  new music from Rihanna  for  summer 2020. Doing a little bit of research, there was this  article that I read about how Rihanna  has a new album called R9 set to release soon but, no further details have yet to be made.  (If you would like to take a look at the article, I will leave it right here, below.)  ( ) In the meantime I will be alright  listening through  her  albums,  features an...