
Is Scream 5 Really That Scary? Plus Ratings

(bing stock image)    My earliest memory of watching a scary movie, was back when I was a little kid around 5 or 6 years old. I was watching Spider-man 1 with my parents in New Westminster Famous players cinema. I’ve been told I was seriously stressing out because of the green goblin, played by Willem Dafoe at the time. Biting on my shirt and then ultimately giving up and crying and exiting the theatre with my parents to go home and rethink whether liking Spider-man was even worth it, if it was going to be scary after scary movie haha. Scream 2022 (Scream 5) ( )             Fast forward to last Wednesday, I watched the new Scream movie, with little to no expectation and it did not disappoint. I would rate the movie 8.5/10 I am not going to revert to Rotten Tomatoes reviews because I feel like sometimes it can be very on target with some movie ratings and questionable and frustrat...

Thoughts for Food, Desserts and more Desserts

Thoughts for Food, Desserts and more Desserts (Image source:) Greetings, I hope you are safe. If you are a student going back to school or if this was your first week of school welcome. Everyone else, hello hello! Welcome back! In this post today I invite you to read through different foods and desserts that I had the pleasure to try for the first time as well as revisit. Be sure to check out any of the locations, and foods if you are interested, curious or just for fun. I will go through Burgers plus fries, pies and cakes. First things first….   (Image source:) Five Guys in Vancouver, British Columbia is a burger delicacy. On my last Food for Thought blog, I described my first time eating there with my friend Reynaldo. With the coronavirus pandemic, it is e...

Rihanna, Kendrick, and Travis Scott Music Take #2

Music Take #2 Rihanna Kendrick Travis Scott Music, Concert stories, Discussing favourite songs, Why do I rock with these artists? Rihanna: ( ) I grew up listening to a lot of Rihanna. Umbrella, Work and Stay  are just three of many Classic RiRi  songs that I love to jam to. As of late, I could really use some  more  new music from Rihanna  for  summer 2020. Doing a little bit of research, there was this  article that I read about how Rihanna  has a new album called R9 set to release soon but, no further details have yet to be made.  (If you would like to take a look at the article, I will leave it right here, below.)  ( ) In the meantime I will be alright  listening through  her  albums,  features an...

(8) My Lenten Journey

03/15/2020 (Source:  ) Hi, I hope you all are safe and taking all the necessary precautions during this time. For today, I’ll be doing a self reflection of my Lent so far. Lent is 40 days which Christians set a part to prepare ourselves for Easter through Prayer, Fasting, and Penitence. It also represents the 40 days and nights that Jesus spent in the desert. It is a custom for Catholics to pick certain things, or activities to give up during Lent, For me, this time around for Lent I decided to not pick too many activities or things to give up, in order to really key in or focus more on two specific Lenten offerings. Praying more throughout the day, while doing a prayer reflection each day as well as make less excuses.  (Source: ) So, you might be wondering, hey Paul how is that working out for you right now? Well, to be honest, if I told you it was easy, I...

(7) Basketball Soccer Kick Kicks

August 19th, 2019 Hi! Welcome back readers. Shoes. Basketball shoes and soccer cleats. Today I'll discuss some of my top 2 favourite picks for shoes and cleats as well as mention some shoes that have been game changers for the sneaker culture.  Basketball shoes: ( Source: ) While in my tenure as a bandwagon fan for the Toronto Raptors and fan of Kawhi Leonard, I started to pay close to attention to New Balance. The shoes, the clothes and other accessories. These shoes pictured above are a good way to kick of some of my favourite basketball kicks. Coming in at number 4 there's the OMNI1s by New Balance. The black, blue, and red colour and 3 additional colour schemes of the shoe are really appealing to the eye. You can take a look at those in the link at the source of the shoes, if you're curious. I think that with any basketball shoe, there must be a story behind the origins of the ...

(6) Superheroes and Supervillians

August 16th, 2019 Hello, welcome back! The topic for today will be about superheroes and supervillains from the comics, movies, video games and listing 2 of each, which are my favourite and why I like them. Let's dive right into todays discussion. PSA: If you have not seen Endgame, you have been warned. In one of the pictures for the superheroes the link gives away one of the small spoilers from the movie. Supervillains: ? (Source: ) "I am inevitable." Does this quote ring any bells? Or when this villain said, " I know what it's like to lost. To Feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fall nonetheless. It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say, I am." If you haven't guessed already from the picture above and the quotes, I'm referring t...

(5) Food for Thought

August 14, 2019 Hello, welcome back to Paul Goes in Depth. Today, I'll focus on different foods that I love to eat. Here we go! Just as a disclaimer: I am not a professional food critique. These are just a set of my opinions/ personal preferences that I have picked up for a little while. Please keep in mind. Thank you! Burgers: (Source: ) 5 Guys presents filling, delicious cheese burgers that could paint pictures like Picasso and more. I remember my first time eating there. Going with my buddy Reynaldo. He gave me tips on how to order and what to expect so by the team we reached we could both be ready to order and take in all of the 5 Guys experience. I ordered at Cheeseburger combo, with large Cajun fries and large drink. Along with my order, I also picked up a box of peanuts. Reynaldo ordered a Cheeseburger combo, medium fries, medium drinks and grabbed some peanuts as well. Luc...